This application form is for those who are applying to be recognized as Global Scholars at their Honors graduation ceremony. Successful completion of the program requires: 1) completing two semesters of one foreign language with a grade of C or better; 2) participating in a study abroad experience of any duration to a country where the foreign language the student is studying aligns with the local language.
This contract is only for students who have been contacted by either Dr. Rukholm or Dr. Tillman concerning their placement on probation in Honors.
Students should note that after submitting this contract, they will be required to meet with Honors academic Advisor Kelley Graff ( to discuss their probationary status.
Please read the Honors Thesis Guidelines before beginning your application.
Please fill out the form in its entirety. Failure to give the proper information about your project may result in the application's rejection. Some theses require research/travel funding, but not all; if the cost questions do not apply to your project, write N/A where required.
Defense Dates:
Fall -- First Monday of November
Spring -- Second Monday of April
What happens if a student finishes their coursework but not the thesis?
If a student finishes HON 100, all Idea Labs, and all Dialectics but fail to finish the thesis, then they must take
i. Spartan Studies Core Humanities course - 4 credits
ii. Spartan Studies Social Science course - 4 credits
iii. Spartan Studies Visual and Performing Arts Distribution course - 4 credits
Finishing these 3 Spartan Studies classes but failing to finish the thesis will mean that the student does not graduate with Honors (but they will graduate with their degree if they meet all other major/Spartan Studies requirements).
This form is for people who have had their thesis project approved by the Honors Committee but, while researching, had to make a significant change to their thesis. Small changes are at the discretion of the thesis director, but large changes that change the overall thesis topic or the essence of the thesis should be documented by filling out this form.
Students submit their final thesis projects here.
The University of Tampa Honors Program has recently created a new team-taught interdisciplinary curriculum for its students that will replace the current Baccalaureate Experience, and applications are now open for faculty interested in being Fellows in the new program.
Honors Fellows will teach one class per year in-load every 3 years with the Honors Program and will be paid a one-time stipend of $1000 for course creation, if selected.
Options include teaching in one of the team-taught courses (Where are we going? Where have we been? Or Where are we now?) or leading an Idea Lab on your own. Idea Labs are courses in thought experiments. In these courses, students will use critical inquiry to try and test hypotheses to address and/or solve a problem that presents itself locally (in Tampa Bay) or globally (in society).
The Honors Program is always looking for new, innovative courses that will challenge our students to think, explore, and achieve. Honors courses are designed to challenge our very best students by operating at a higher level of intellectual inquiry. The Honors Committee awards Honors designation to courses based on a combination of the criteria listed below:
- Is there rigorous grading?
- Does the course have an experiential-learning focus?
- Is there an expectation for students to engage in research?
- Is there a requirement for in-field, professional writing assignments?
- Is there a meaningful community service project in conjunction with a scholarly component (such as a paper or presentation)?
- Are there oral presentations in a symposium setting?
- Is there an expectation for creative works (performance, film, scholarly writing, blogs, journals, portfolios)?
- Are there enhanced class discussions, exercises, curricula?
- Is there a challenging reading list?
- Are there guest professionals who will visit the classroom?
- Are there educational excursions or other required attendance at appropriate events outside the classroom (such as Honors Program symposia)?
- Is there a level of inquiry to the course that is unique, challenging and extraordinary?
Your course proposal should address at least some of the above questions in illustrating why the course is worthy of the Honors designation. The Honors Committee also expects that all syllabi submitted as part of new Honors Course proposals will be in compliance with all university-wide requirements (e.g., ADA, academic integrity policy, etc.).
For more information about the expectations of Honors Courses, please see this guide.
The Honors Abroad Scholarship is an award given to deserving Honors students in good standing whose field of study will directly and significantly benefit from an Honors Study Abroad experience. The award can be applied toward any UT faculty-led study abroad opportunity. Applications are due online at least two months before the onset of the study abroad experience.
Selection of the students to receive scholarships will be made by the Honors Program Director and Associate Director. Scholarship funds will be awarded at the time the student makes the final deposit for travel abroad with the International Program Office.
Selection of students to participate in the Oxford Study Abroad Program (OSAP) will be made by the Honors Committee of the faculty following interviews of chosen applicants. Interviews will last about 10 minutes each and must be scheduled through the Honors Program office. The criteria used by the Honors Committee of the faculty in judging worthy candidates are as follows:
- Junior or senior in the Honors Program
- Record of prior involvement in the Honors Program
- Quality and clarity of the written essay
- Effective oral communication skills during the interview
- Professional demeanor of the applicant
- Demonstrated familiarity with the Oxford Study Abroad Program
- Uniqueness of the tutorials to be undertaken; the experience at Oxford should be one that can not be found at UT
- Perceived aptitude for intense tutorial learning
- Perceived commitment to scholarly development
- Cumulative GPA is not a deciding factor in the selection process as all applicants must have a 3.5 or higher
If you are selected by the Faculty Honors Committee to study at Oxford, Oxford will also require that you submit a paper that you have written for one of your classes. That paper should also be submitted as part of this application.
Deadlines: Applications for attending Oxford during the Spring Term are due no later than October 14 of the previous year. Applications for attending Oxford during the Fall Term are due no later than the Friday before Spring Break of the Spring Term proceeding the Fall Term. Applications are due at 5:00 pm.
This application is for first-year students who want to continue in Honors and for students who are not in the Honors Program who would like to join.
Students must have a cumulative UT GPA of 3.5 to be in Honors. Students new to the Honors program may only apply if they have fewer than 60 credit hours. Juniors are no longer allowed to join Honors.
This form is for faculty who supervise Honors Theses to submit their evaluation of the final project.
For Faculty:
You'll need the name and ID of the student to complete the form. You'll also need to upload a scanned copy of this document signed by yourself and the other members of the Thesis Committee.
For Students:
You'll need to sign the Institutional Repository form if you're willing for the library to store your thesis. It's here:
This rest of this thesis completion form is for your faculty advisor to complete. Please send them a link to this form so they can complete it.